RCCD – Your Certified Sedation Dentist in Raleigh, NC

Raleigh Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dentistry is one of a limited number of certified sedation dentists in Raleigh, NC. In the latter half of 2009, the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners put into effect new regulations which affect sedation dentistry services provided by general dentists practicing in the state.

Because sedation dentistry is growing in popularity and is helping more people get the dental treatment they need and to do so more comfortably, the Board has taken this additional regulatory action to ensure your safety. If you have interest in sedation dentistry, you should know that our practice was one of the first to become a certified sedation dentist in Raleigh, NC according to the new regulations.

What does it mean to be a certified sedation dentist?

There are actually different levels of certified sedation dentists; each level carries its own set of requirements. Speaking in general terms, the greater the level of sedation that you undergo, the more risk is involved. Obviously, the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners believes that sedation dentistry is a very safe practice, or it would forbid its practice. What they have done is simply step in to administer the checks and balances that help to ensure that dentists administering various levels of sedation have the right training, experience, and equipment to do so.

Your certified sedation dentist must have many hours of specialized training and experience in this technique before he or she can be certified to offer this service. Members of our staff have also been trained to know how to assist Dr. Williamson in the rare event of emergency.

What level of certified sedation dentist in Raleigh, NC will you need?

To have access to the type of sedation dentistry that lets you have more invasive or lengthy procedures performed while comfortably sedated, you should look for a certified sedation dentist who is accredited to practice limited moderate conscious sedation dentistry, also known as oral conscious sedation dentistry.

  • This is the level of sedation dentistry accreditation held by Dr. Williamson – Moderate Conscious Sedation Permit Number 160460.
  • This supports the administration of multiple doses of sedatives, either by themselves or in addition to inhaled sedation, such as nitrous oxide.
  • This type of sedation dentistry is used in conjunction with “traditional” non-sedating anesthetics that create numbness, as appropriate for a specific procedure or patient need.
  • This level of sedation provides comfort to those who are undergoing extensive comprehensive dentistry or cosmetic dentistry procedures, and may allow us to combine into a single visit what might otherwise require several appointments. This level of sedation is also an appropriate level to use with patients who have especially sensitive teeth or who experience dental anxiety.
  • There is less risk with this level of sedation dentistry than some of the higher ones because even though you’re unaware of what is happening, you actually remain conscious and able to respond to commands (open your mouth, etc.).  For deeper levels of sedation where you are no longer conscious, back-up ventilators and artificial airways are necessary because of an increased possibility that you might need to be resuscitated.
  • Because this type of sedation is oral, it does not involve IV needles. For those who are anxious about needles, this is an advantage. Numbing anesthetics (as needed) can then be administered by needle when you’re not aware enough to become anxious.

Is that the only level of sedation dentistry services that RCCD provides?

The certification that RCCD holds provides for that level of sedation and any lesser levels, such as the use of nitrous oxide alone, a single dose of sedation, etc. What different people need will vary from one situation to the next. It is our commitment to you to help you be comfortable during any procedure that you’re having, whether that is a routine checkup or a more extensive procedure. Dr. Williamson will talk with you and determine what method of sedation is most appropriate for you.