Raleigh Braces – Solutions from RCCD

Do you live in or near Raleigh, NC and wonder whether braces might improve your appearance? If so, it’s time to contact Raleigh Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dentistry (RCCD) to learn about Raleigh braces options. 

Raleigh Braces – For Your Health

A bad bite (malocclusion) can cause a number of problems for you, regardless of whether it interferes with your appearance cosmetically. Raleigh Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dentistry (RCCD) can provide solutions that can help to alleviate the following conditions, if they are caused by malocclusion:

  • Headache, facial pain, neck pain
  • Chewing and swallowing difficulties
  • Speach impairments (may require speach therapy, too)
  • Gum disease and tooth decay

Raleigh Braces – For Your Smile

Even if you’re not experiencing problems because of a bad bite or crooked teeth, you may be curious about what your options are, especially if you’re not a teenager any more.  Today, more and more people of all ages are taking advantage of braces as a way to improve their smiles. Braces may have to stay on adults a bit longer than teenagers, but they’re usually a very viable option.

The varieties and colors of braces today are amazing. We can help you make your braces noticeable – displaying your favorite colors, perhaps, or work with you to minimize their visibility. We can talk with you about a new alternative to traditional braces, sometimes called “invisible” braces, and advise you on whether they’re a good option for you. These are actually a series of customized appliances that are clear and removable. One advantage of this option, which is best suited for adults and relatively minimal movement of teeth, is that you can remove the appliance while eating or brushing your teeth.

Raleigh Braces – Available from Your Dentist!

Many Raleigh dental care patients are now benefitting from the progressive thinking of Dr. Robert L. Williamson III, a graduate of the prestigious UNC School of Dentistry. Because of Dr. Williamson’s additional training in orthodontics, you can receive your braces from the same friendly RCCD staff that provides your general dentistry and other Cosmetic Dentistry needs. If it’s anxiety about pain that’s been holding you back from getting your teeth properly aligned, then you’ll also want to learn more about our Sedation Dentistry options. We hope you’ll appreciate the convenience and time-savings that occur when you satisfy both your regular dentistry and orthodontic (braces) needs at one convenient Raleigh location.